How do I install WordPress from cPanel control panel?

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In this article:

  • Quick install WordPress from cPanel
  • Quick install WordPress using Softaculous installer

To easily install WordPress from cPanel we offer Softaculous to easily install WordPress in a few clicks

  1. Login to cPanel (here’s a guide).
  2. Scroll down to “Softaculous Apps Installer” > “WordPress“.
  3. Under the “Install” tab click the “Install Now” button.
  4. Select your WordPress version.
  5. Select your install URL, “https://” is recommended.
  6. Unless you have a specific reason to install WordPress in a directory or if unsure, in the “In Directory” file delete anything in there e.g. the “wp” text, ensuring this field is clear.
  7. Complete all other settings e.g. “Site Name“, “Site Description“, “Admin Username” etc.
  8. Once you’re happy with all your settings, at the bottom click the “Install” button.
  9. Once the installation is completed you are presented with links to visit the WP Backend or the Site Frontend.
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